The Avenue of the Baobabs, the most photographed place in western Madagascar.

The Avenue of the Baobabs, the most photographed place in western Madagascar.

About 130 million years ago, the current island of Madagascar separated from the African continent to settle in the Indian Ocean and lay off its other half, India. Due to this division, the African island has one of the most curious and richest natural ecosystems 

Tsingy de Bemaraha, Madagascar: Calcareous Cathedrals

Tsingy de Bemaraha, Madagascar: Calcareous Cathedrals

The Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park is one of the most famous on the island and travel to Madagascar, sculpting around the gorges of the Manabolo River an impressive stony forest of huge and pointed calcareous needles, the Tsingy , local word meaning pinnacle. These