History and curiosities of the Forbidden City of Beijing

History and curiosities of the Forbidden City of Beijing

The Forbidden City, everything you need to know.

Located in the city center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the greatest architectural example of the city’s imperial past. Considered the largest imperial residence in the world ever built.

The Forbidden City of Beijing was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1987. Today, it is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country and a must-see when you are touring Beijing.

Beijing safety pins.

Built in 1420, the Forbidden City of Beijing was the official residence of the Chinese emperors, both from the dynasty and the dynasty until the abdication in 1920 of Emperor Puyi, whose story passed to the big screen thanks to the film The Last Emperor, originally known as the Forbidden Purple City.

¿What to see in the Forbidden City?

As such, the Forbidden City of Beijing is a walled complex (8 m high) surrounded by a water pit (52 m wide) with more than 70 hectares of surface which is accessed by 4 large doors oriented according to the cardinal points .

As the name implies, access to the site was prohibited and an imperial authorization was required to enter. The complex of the Forbidden City of Beijing is divided into 2 parts, the Outer Court and the Inner Court.

Tiananmen Gate

Known as the Gate of Heavenly Peace, Tiananmen Gate is the main access to the Forbidden City of Beijing.

With its 34 m high, the Tiananmen Gate is a national symbol because from there the emperors went to the town and especially because it was from this place where Mao Zedong proclaimed in 1940 the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.

Until now a gigantic mural with the image of the communist leader is maintained.

Outside Court Area

The so-called Exterior Court was the public part of the complex, the place where emperors made their samples to the public during ceremonial events and state affairs. Located in the southern area of ​​the complex is accessed by the Tiananmen Gate.

After crossing it, you access the Wumen Square that leads to the Harmony Gate that gives access to one of the most important corners of the entire Forbidden City of Beijing, the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Interior Court Zone

Considered as the private area of ​​the Forbidden City of Beijing is where the rooms of the emperors were.

After accessing it after crossing the Hall of Supreme Harmony, here are the Palace of Heavenly Purity (residence of the emperor), the Palace of Tranquility (residence of the empress) and the Hall of the Union, the place where the spouses got together.

Other points of interest of the Inner Court are the Palace of Tranquil Longevity (where pieces of the period are exhibited) and the Hall of Mental Cultivation (workplace of the emperor).

Other important corners of the Outer Court are the Salons of the Military Eminence (where the emperor met with high command of his army) and the Literary Glory (delicate to study and literature).

After the imperial chambers are the Imperial Garden or Yuhuayuan which with its 12,000 square meters was the resting place used by all emperors.

Itinerary to tour and know the Forbidden City

An ideal itinerary to know the main points of interest of the Forbidden City of Beijing is to start the route by its southern access or Tiananmen Gate to know in the Interior Court area the Hall of Literary Glory, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony.

To access the Interior Court area and visit the Palace of Heavenly Purity, Palace of Tranquility and Union Hall to end the tour by visiting the Palace of Tranquil Longevity, the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Imperial Garden and leaving the complex by the Gate of Divine Power (north).

From 8:30 am to 5 pm from April to October and from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm from November to March.

The ticket price is 60 Yuan from April to October and 40 Yuan from November to March.

¿How to get?
The best way to go to the Forbidden City of Beijing is to take the subway (line 1) to the Tiananmen West or Tiananmen East Stations. You can also go by bus 1, 2, 52, 82, 120.

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