The Great Barrier Reef Coral in Australia

This is one of the wonders of the world. The Great Barrier Reef, which stretches from Cooktown in the north to Bundaburg in the south, is a mass of coral reefs and islands that make up the largest marine park in the world.
Unfolding from Cooktown in the Tropical North Queensland to Bundaberg in the south, there are many access points to the Great Barrier Reef Coral. As you walk up and down the coast of Queensland, you can see the full extent of this fantastic place known as the eighth wonder of the world.
The Marine Park Authority Great Barrier Reef Coral controls and protects the area, which reaches 215,000 square miles (345,000 square km) of water around the reef. It is the largest marine park in the world. In these protected waters, fish are curious and friendly. Coral reefs, like underwater jungles, bloom in warm tropical waters and give life to a diverse and dense population. Divers estimate that it would take a thousand dives to see the most interesting aspects of the reef. You can also see everything from a glass bottom boat or from a semi-submersible vessel, can go snorkeling or diving among the stunning single expansion of this underwater garden, where visibility extends up to 60 meters (197 feet) and where the water is replete than 2,000 varieties of tropical fish. It is a place that travelers should visit must.
You can snorkel around the reef. For those who want to learn, there is no better way to do that in these warm and clear waters.
The Great Barrier Reef is a habitat for many species, it is possible to find a lot of fish estimated 1500 different species and more than 4000 species of molluscs. In addition to some 400 species of coral. Endangered species, it is also possible to find in the barrier, species such as dugong and the large green turtle.
The Barrier Reef has been affected by global warming that affects the planet earth and it increases more and more. Corals are very sensitive species to changes in ocean temperature. On the other hand the effects of overfishing and pollution have made the barrier is damaged, reducing the ecosystem that houses it. To continue with these actions, the Barrier Reef will continue to lose fish, aquatic flora, etc.. Starfish «crown of thorns» which are deteriorating worldwide corals also begun to affect the Great Barrier, as the starfish, when they have reached adulthood, they consume what they measure, ie if a starfish has a diameter of 60 cm. daily consumption same hard coral.
Then there are artificial disasters created by humans:
It was only a year ago, 250 tons of oil escaped from a container ship, the Pacific Adventurer, and stained the beaches of the east coast Australian Sunshine Coast and Bribie Island and Moreton.